Farnworth Baptist Church is one of the most important voluntary and community sector organisations in Farnworth. I have seen the group flourish as an essential community resource in the last five years. The work of the group is increasingly pivotal to the potential of the town to improve its wellbeing through self organisation. The development of the Foodbank Project in conjunction with the Trussell Trust is simply one recent example of project development and implementation leading to the creation of a truly sustainable community in Farnworth
John Pye, Bolton Council Neighbourhood Manager
Working Together for our Community
God intended that we do not live in isolation. Our future is determined by our relationships. We are not about working individually but about building lives together. We will equip, empower and release people to fulfil their God given destiny.
e can’t bring about transformation of our community on our own, it is only when we come together within the greater community and partner with likeminded people and groups that we begin to see the changes we long for.