Small Groups
"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 18:19-20 (The Bible)
Attending a church small group is a great way to grow in faith and fellowship. It’s a place where you can share your joys and struggles, learn from others, and pray together. You can also enjoy the sense of community and friendship that comes from being part of a small group. It helps you feel connected and supported in your spiritual journey.
Our small groups meet every two weeks in the homes of church members. we also offer a group on Zoom. Our groups follow a simple three part structure:
- Welcome, chat and reporting back on how what we have learned previously has been put into practice.
- Discover the Bible – we read a short passage from the Bible and if necessary retell it in our own words so everyone understands. We then discuss four simple questions: what does it tell us about God; what does it tell us about people; if this is God’s word what do I have to do; and who am I going to share this with?
- Planning and prayer – focusing our discussion on some definite actions for us to take before our next meeting and then praying for one another.
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Going Deeper
Why should I go deeper in my Bible study? There are many reasons, but here are three that come to mind. First, studying the Bible helps us grow in our relationship with God and learn more about His will for our lives. Second, studying the Bible equips us to face the challenges and temptations that we encounter every day. Third, studying the Bible gives us hope and joy as we discover the amazing promises and truths that God has revealed in His Word. So, go deeper in your Bible study because it is good for you and it honours God.
Theology Thursday is an opportunity to come together to discuss a subject theologically. The subject for discussion is determined by the group and everyone is invited to contribute to the discussion.
Theology is not just an expert telling you what to believe but discussing different viewpoints, opinions and experiences. We consider what the Bible has to offer about the subject and what our differing Christian experience has to offer.
We would aim to draw the discussion to a conclusion of an action for each of us to take away.
Our Theology Thursdays take place once a month. The dates of the next sessions are:
- Thursday 7 December 2023
We are committed to raising up a generation who are passionate disciples of Jesus Christ, living life to the full as they walk in his ways.
If you want to fully develop your true identity in Jesus, to walk in his power and authority and to see His Kingdom come into whatever area of life you are called to, then Activate is for you.
We recognise that Jesus’s disciples spent three years living and working with him, learning by getting involved. Activate is a teaching programme over two years but it presupposes that those taking part are fully engaged in the life of the church gathering regularly on Sunday, taking part in a small group and serving.
Kingdom ministry is not about how many formal qualifications you hold. We believe that Jesus still calls people into leadership from a wide range of backgrounds. Your heart and your character are more important than your academic ability.
Activate runs from October to May. Teaching takes place over five Saturdays and five Thursday evenings each year. The sessions for 2023/24 are:
- Saturday 20 January 2024 – Identity and Calling
- Thursday 25 January 2024 – Intimacy and Sexuality
- Saturday 24 February 2024 – Covenant and Kingdom
- Thursday 29 February 2024 – Covenant and Kingdom
- Saturday 16 March 2024 – Communicating the Good News
- Thursday 21 March 2024 – Communicating the Good News
- Saturday 13 April 2024 – What is church?
- Thursday 18 April 2024 – The Exclusivity of Jesus
- Saturday 18 May 2024 – Multiplying small groups
- Thursday 23 May 2024 – Reaching out to our community