Jeremiah Education Centre

Every child has a right to a good education. Government statistics show that permanent exclusions have increased by 71% in the UK in the last seven years.


England’s Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield OBE, said there is a misconception that all children are getting excluded for “very, very dangerous activities”. “Of course, some are and … some children will need to not be in school,” she added.

“What there isn’t an understanding of is that: these are often children who are struggling with the system and, with help and support, they could stay within school.”


Official figures indicate that pupils who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) are more than four times more likely to get a permanent exclusion than their peers.


Children’s charity 4in10, Just For Kids Law and the Children’s Rights Alliance for England reported that “deprivation and low income” as well as “poor housing” can impact on a child’s behaviour and put them at greater risk of exclusions.

A 2017 report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) found that, in 2015-16, one in fifty children in the general population were recognised as having a social, emotional and mental health need. In schools for excluded pupils this rose to one in two.


The Jeremiah Education Centre is run is run as a partnership between Farnworth Baptist Church and Acorn Alternative Provision, focusing on the needs of those who are struggling in mainstream education or are at risk of exclusion. It is one of a national network of centres managed by Acorn.


For more information about Acorn Alternative Provision and the Jeremiah click the link below to visit their website

Pupil and Family Support

We recognise that having a child who is struggling with school can bring extra stress and anxiety to the whole family.  Helen provide our Pupil and Family Support.  She works in the centre offering pastoral support to the young people and is available to provide support to parents and carers.

Family support can be as simple as meeting up for a coffee and a chat to making a referral to other support services offered at The Well or by other organisations.  

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